Ten things you didn't know about Adrian Lim

1. His first paid job was as a fizzy pop salesman in Coventry.

2. He's judged the D&AD awards eight times (including two Black Pencil juries).

3. Adrian has been Creative Director on the Stella Artois, Diesel, Lloyds Bank, Virgin Atlantic and Carlsberg accounts.

4. He worked as a Butlin's waiter during the holidays at uni.

5. He’s a D&AD New Blood Mentor.

6. He used to review plays under a pseudonym for the theatre website whatsonstage.com.

7. His favourite directors are Alfred Hitchcock and Zhang Yimou.

8. His first advertising job was at AMV.

9. He's won Cannes Lions, D&AD and One Show pencils, Creative Circle, Clio and Eurobest awards. 

10. He did actually streak once. But not at a cricket ground.